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Supporting Our Faculty
As a faculty member, you'll find essential resources to support your role as a graduate program director, including guidelines, forms, and a syllabus template. Additionally, we offer a convenient listing of Research Methods Courses available for cross-registration across collaborating departments.
Graduate Studies Committee
Governance Flow Diagram
Committee Members
- Chair, Professor Andre Maharaj, Applied Behavior Analysis, CEHD
- Professor Laura Bozeman, Vision Studies, SGISD
- Professor Silvia Dorado Banacloche, Management, CM
- Professor Patricia Paugh, Curriculum and Instruction, CEHD
- Professor Harry Konstantinidis, Economics, CLA
- Professor Heather MacIndoe, Public Policy and Public Affairs, MGS
- Professor James Soldner, Rehabilitation Counseling, SGISD
- Professor Holly Jackson, English, CLA
- Professor Michael Tlusty, Sustainability and Food Solutions, SFE
- Professor Phil Gona, Exercise and Health Sciences, MCNHS
- Professor Brook Moyers, Biology, CSM
- Professor John Fulton, English, CLA
- Dean Bala Sundaram, Graduate Studies
- Steve Smith, Library
- Justin Maher, Graduate Studies
Spring 2023 Committee Meeting Dates: February 14, 2023; March 21, 2023; April 11, 2023; May 9, 2023
Meetings take place on Tuesdays following the Faculty Council; meetings are usually the second Tuesday of the month. The deadline for material submissions is eight (8) days before the meeting. Proposals should all be on Curriculog - if supplementary materials need to be sent to the Committee, please email them to GSC.Submissions@baoqiuyue.net.
Resources for programs considering GRE-Optional Admissions: click here
Forms and Policies
- Academic Program Development
- Academic Program Change Approval Form
- Academic Program Change Procedures
- New Academic Programs
- Recommended Online Course Proposal Elements
- Course Addition / Course Change Form
- Seeking Governance Approval
- Guidelines for Preparing Graduate Course Outlines
- Guidelines and Definitions Concerning Proposals for the Online Delivery of Graduate Programs
- Additional Elements in Online Course Proposals
- Online Graduate Program Approval Process
- Schedule Intent Form for a Special Topics Course
- GSC Syllabus Template
- Pre-Matriculation Waiver Form
Graduate Assistant Salary Chart
The Graduate Assistant Salary Chart provides employment start and end dates, biweekly salary rates, and the cost of the annual student health premium. Please the AY22-23 Graduate Assistantship Appointments for the Graduate Assistant Salary Chart.
For additional information, please contact Simon Haile at Simon.Haile@baoqiuyue.net, assistant director of financial management for Research and Graduate Studies.
Campus Center
2nd Floor, Suite 2100
UMass Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125