Campus Center, 4th Floor
UMass Boston
100 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125
Registrar Forms FAQ
Welcome to the Registrar Forms Help page.
Troubleshooting DocuSign Forms
I filled out the form and never got an email with the code
First check your spam folder. If it’s not there, try clearing your Browser History and Cache and trying again. Click here for instructions on how to clear cache for a variety of browsers
If that does not work, please Email for further assistance.
I don’t know my ID number
Use the ID lookup Tool
If you don’t have an SSN# on file use 4 uppercase X’s “XXXX” in its place. If that does not work, email for assistance.
I don’t have access to my UMB email anymore
If you don’t have a UMB email anymore, please enter any email address you check regularly.
I got an email my form was VOIDED, why was it voided?
All voided form notices include an explanation. If you have questions about the explanation please email
How do I know if my DocuSign form was processed?
Most forms are processed within 1-4 business days (unless otherwise noted on the form). When your request is approved, your application will be processed and signed by the Registrar’s Office. You will then receive an email from DocuSign confirming completion of your request. If we can not process your form, you will get a declined or voided email from DocuSign with an explanation.
Please note: During add/drop Reenrollment applications are prioritized. Other general forms can take a week or more to process if submitted close to or during add/drop. If you have questions or concerns please email
Trouble Shooting a Fillable PDF Form
I can fill out the PDF but I can’t sign it – what do I do?
Step 1: Download and save the PDF to your computer.
- You can do this by moving your cursor over the link to the PDF, and using the right click button. Select “Save Link As” from the menu options. This will open a pane displaying folder options you can select from to download this file to your computer (please make sure that you are saving the file as a PDF document!). For example, you may choose to download the file to your download folder or your desktop.
Step 2: Once you have downloaded the PDF, go to the file location you selected and open the file in *Adobe reader (You can get a free version of Adobe reader here:
*If the file doesn’t open in Adobe reader and you have Adobe reader installed, right-click on the file and select “Open with” -> “Adobe Acrobat” from the menu options.
General Inquires
I read the forms page and I can’t find the form I need
Email with your name, ID and an explanation of what you are looking for so we can assist you further.
My form requires a signature from my Graduate Program Director and Graduate Studies, how do I get in contact with them?
Click here to view graduate program email contacts.
Graduate Studies email:
My request is time sensitive – what should I do?
In order to be fair and equitable all forms are processed in the order they were received. Be sure to plan as far in advance as possible for all time sensitive requests. Any questions regarding the status of your forms, email
Credit Overload Inquires
My current credit limit is 17, but I would like to register for 18. Is this possible?
It is possible to apply for a credit overload for the summer, fall or spring semester by submitting a credit overload request. Students in the College of Management may submit their request to the College of Management and students in the College of Nursing and Health Sciences may submit their request to CNHS Student Services. Students in the College of Liberal Arts, College of Science and Mathematics, College of Education and Human Development, and School for the Environment may submit their request to Undergraduate Studies.
I would like to take more than 6 credits during winter. Is this possible
Credit overloads are not allowed during the winter term.
Repeat Waiver Form
I am planning on repeating a class. Do I need to submit a repeat waiver request?
A Repeat Waiver Request is necessary if you 1) are looking to take a course for the third time or 2) have repeated 4 courses and want to repeat a 5th course. If you are not sure whether or not you need to submit a request, please email Undergraduate Studies for guidance.
Program Add/Change Requests
How do I declare a major/minor/track/concentration or program of study?
- Undergraduate students submit an appropriate Program Add/Change Form (Change of Major/Minor/College) through DocuSign.
- Graduate students submit a complete Program Change Form to obtain the signatures of
- the NEW Graduate Program Director (GPD) and
- your current GPD
- send it to for processing
I’d like to drop one of my programs
- Undergraduate students use the Program Add/Change Form fill out the section titled “DISCONTINUE A CURRENT MAJOR, MINOR, CERTIFICATE, TRACK/CONCENTRATION, PROGRAM OF STUDY”
- Graduate students submit a Graduate Withdrawal Form (make sure to indicate the program to be discontinued)
Withdrawal/Taking time off
Will I have to reapply to the University after I withdraw/take some time off?
No, you will not have to reapply through admissions after taking some time off.
- Undergraduate students can make note of when they plan to return on the withdrawal form by filling out the “Re-enrollment Plan” section that can be accommodated for up to one year. If you plan to take more than two semesters off, you will need to complete the Re-Enrollment Application when you plan to return.
- Graduate Students are required to maintain continuous enrollment. Please visit our Policy page to read more about Graduate Student Statue of Limitations and Continuous Registration.
I am a newly accepted student, my plans changed, I wish to postpone my acceptance to a future semester, do I withdraw?
Newly accepted students who wish to postpone their first semester should fill out the Undergraduate Deferral Form. If you have any questions about deferring please email
I filled out the Withdrawal form, what else do I need to do?
First make sure you use the drop function in WISER to withdraw from any classes you have enrolled in. Detailed checklists for University Withdrawals found here.
I missed registering for classes, add/drop has ended and I am taking some time off, do I need to fill out a withdrawal form?
- Undergraduate Students: Undergrads should complete the withdrawal form if they know they are taking time off.
- Graduate Students: send a signed Program Fee Form to by the last day of the add/drop period.
*Please note: If you do not enroll before add/drop ends, your WISER account becomes discontinued. You will need to submit a Graduate Readmission Application and obtain approvals of your Graduate Program Director and the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies. For further questions, email
I received permission to take a CLEP exam but never took it. Does permission expire?
As long as we still accept the exam (the current list is on the CLEP Permission Form & Equivalency Form) and you have not taken the equivalent class(es), permission doesn’t expire. You are always welcome to re-submit the Permission Form or email to double-check.
I need the exam for graduation, but the score won’t arrive before my degree date.
That’s okay as long as you receive permission to take the exam, and complete the test before your applied degree date and we will try our best to honor your graduation date.
I registered for the test before requesting permission. Can I still take it?
Send in the form as soon as possible so we can determine if you can receive credit for the exam. We suggest waiting to actually take the exam until you know you will receive credit.
Graduate Student Transfer Credit Approval
Do I need permission before I take a class off campus?
If you wish to take a class off-campus contact your Graduate Program Director to ensure the class is acceptable for transfer. They should send the Transfer Credit Approval form to to record the approval on your record.
The Registrar’s Office will confirm receipt and provide information for submitting an official transcript once the class is done.
I need the class for graduation, but the transcript won’t arrive before my degree date.
That’s okay as long as
1) Your Graduate Program Director submits the Transfer Credit Approval form to before your applied degree date and 2) the class ends before your degree date.
If you have permission noted on your record, we can allow time for the official transcript to arrive. Provided the class ends before your degree date, we will honor the degree date you are applied for.
As part of an Intercampus Program, do I need to complete the Transfer Credit Approval form?
Classes taken as part of an approved Intercampus Program do not count as transfer credit. Your Graduate Program Director has the necessary forms to enroll you in your classes. These classes are posted as residence credit, and do not count against the transfer credit limit.
Undergraduate Transfer Credit Approval
The Process
>>How long does the review process take?
If no departmental permission is needed your request will be reviewed within two weeks.
>>Things to keep in mind when requesting to take classes Off-Campus:
- UMass Boston cannot approve a course to be taken off-campus if it is offered at our institution.
- Only courses which have received advanced approval will be acceptable for credit.
- When your request has been approved, the pre-approval is valid for one calendar year.
- To be considered for transfer, courses must be completed at an accredited community college, state, or private university.
>>How do I transfer the class back to UMB?
An Official Transcript (‘Issued to Student” not acceptable) of the off-campus course listing the final grade and course credit is to be received by the Office of the Registrar at UMass Boston upon completion of the course.
Forward an official transcript from the college/university to Office of the Registrar, University of Massachusetts Boston, Campus Center, 4th Floor,100 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, MA 02125. We accept electronic transcripts directly from secure services. You can use the email address or
Departmental Approval
>>I’m looking to take a major requirement class off campus do I need permission from my department?
Yes, if your plan is to transfer the class in to fulfill a major requirement you will need permission from your department. Departments require copies of course descriptions or syllabus to review your request.
Once the department review your request, please make sure the Office of the Registrar received the signed form for final review.
>>My advisor gave me permission; do I still need to fill out the TCP form?
Yes, the Registrar’s Office has final approval on all TCP.
If you do not obtain permission from the Registrar’s Office there is no guarantee we can accept the credit.
Transfer credit limits and General Criteria
>>How many transfer credits can I transfer in?
90 credits are the maximum, and only 70 allowed from a two-year institution.
>>Is there a grade minimum?
Courses taken and completed off-campus will be recognized only if they have been completed with grades of “C-” (1.70 on a 4.00 scale) or higher, individual programs might have a higher-grade for the class to count in your program. Please check your degree audit and meet with your advisor.
*Courses taken Pass/Fail are only eligible to transfer if the transcript key equates these courses to a C- (due to COVID-19, all P grades from Spring 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021 are eligible to transfer).
>>Will my transfer grade affect my UMB grade point average (GPA)?
The credits for courses taken at another institution will transfer but not the actual letter grade earned; therefore, the grades earned in these courses will not affect a student's grade point average.
>>In semester credit limits
Students can only take up to 17 credits in the Spring, Summer and Fall Terms. During the Winter session the maximum allowed is 6 credits.
>>How can I tell if the institution is accredited?
To confirm if your institution is accredited by one of our approved accrediting organizations, you may consult the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
>>Can I retake a class off campus and transfer it back in?
You may not repeat a class off campus if you have completed it at UMass Boston and earned a passing grade (D- or better). Course repeats are subject to the repeat policy rules
Financial Aid for Transfer Credit Approvals
Please visit Financial Aid Forms and complete the Consortium Agreement
If your inquiry is not addressed here, please email
Be sure to include your full name and ID number in your email.
Office of the Registrar
Campus Center, 4th Floor
University of Massachusetts Boston
100 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125
Registrar Records Area
Campus Center, 4th Floor
UMass Boston
100 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125